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Account information
When you join Betscout you choose a username and password. Your password is personal and may not be shared. Any person with your username and password is regarded as the rightful owner of your Betscout account. If you suspect that someone has access to your account, send us an email at [email protected].
Your account details will not be shared or misused in any way. The only way in which we use any of your details is by sending a weekly newsletter to your email address. If you don’t want to receive our informative newsletters simply unsubscribe in Account & Settings.
You may change your account details at any time, but as a security precaution you must contact us at [email protected] to change your email address.
When leaving comments you must be relevant to the topic and speak in a positive tone. Comments which are aimed at other members negatively are certainly not allowed.
You are not allowed to post links to other websites, unless you have no personal interest in the site and it is highly relevant to the topic in mention.
Quotes from other websites must have the source mentioned by name, not by link.
If you fail to meet these very reasonable conditions, you will be presented with a personal warning. If the behaviour continues we reserve the right to delete your account, or possibly just disable your option of adding comments.